ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) has begun to empower all the major industries by giving results faster and more accurately. We want to give the power of the latest AI technology to you by combining the technology with the services we offer.
GHOST GEAR DISAPPEAR INC is committed to using technology to provide clients with faster and sustainable results.
Identifying and analyzing different types of species from the video data is time-consuming and an expensive manual process. We have built our in-house AI-based Species Identification Platform (SIP) that can identify different species precisely and in real-time.
The Habitation Monitoring Platform (HMP) can accept data from different sources such as Aerial Imagery, LIDAR, Side-Scan sonar and video data and combine all the sources of data to extrapolate the environmental and habitation changes under and around the water.
Presently to identify and count the number of ghost gears underwater it takes manual efforts of the divers to identify and locate the ghost gears and debris. Our Ghost Gear Identification Platform (GGIP) can work in tandem with your organization's underwater camera technology to identify and locate ghost gears and debris in real-time using Artificial Intelligence. This massively reduces human effort and time to plan ghost gear retrieval.
Our AI technology can work with your organization's inspection needs and can identify critical flaws in the structure in real-time and provide live reporting of the structure's soundness along with the other critical information that your organization expects.
Presently many species are put at risk during the process of evaluating and examining underwater habitation. Our company's value is to revolutionalize the testing process of organizations using advanced AI technologies and reduce the stress and risk of the species endangered during the intrusive testing process.
Serving across Miscou Island, New Brunswick, Atlantic Canada, and the surrounding areas.