Contact UsComplete holistic nondestructive approach to coastal regeneration using nature based solutions. Integration of sophisticated ROV and Artificial Intelligence to collect and analyze our data.
We provide ROV training and Ghost Gear hot-spot mapping and retrieval training based on ©TheAustinWay Methodology.

Our main objective is to establish customized sustainable fishing equipment packages for individual fishing businesses. And to prevent and reduce the fishing gear lost by offering solutions for retrieval and responsible disposal of fishing gear equipment and marine litter.
While focusing on reducing the marine pollution we are joining efforts and contribute to initiatives for sustainable restoration of the marine and near-shore ecosystem.
Underwater Inspections, Artificial Reef Creations, Marine Habitat Restorations & more

What we do?
- Nature Base Solutions
- SAR Habitat Protection
- Erosion Mitigation
- Blue Carbon Project Planning
- Coastal Restoration
- Blue Carbon Credit Offsets
- Kelp Forest Rehabilitation
- Ghost Fishing Gear HOTSPOT MAPPING
- Eelgrass Restoration
- Marine ROV Distributor
- Oyster Reef Creation
- Marine Nursery Improvements
We are proud to be able to incorporate Reef Balls in our services
and be able to offer to our client’s workable tools for improving and long-term engagement in further growth of the Canadian Atlantic coast fishing communities.
GHOST GEAR DISAPPEAR INC. fleet is certain and believes that ReefBalls Modulles provides the best proven concepts and approaches for conservation, recovery and restoration in freshwater and marine ecosystems.
Furthermore for the small islands and the Atlantic coastal communities the climate adaptation is essential now and for the future generations. Provided by GHOST GEAR DISAPPEAR INC. structures and services could be included as beneficial part of the coastal infrastructure with the available range of shoreline models and implementations to reduce erosion and flooding.
Fifish V6
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Fifish V6s
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Fifish V6 Expert
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Fifish Pro V6 Plus
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Serving across Miscou Island, New Brunswick, Atlantic Canada, and the surrounding areas.